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Public Programmes

Invite an Art-Scientist to your School


As an artist, I observe

As a scientist, I question

As a child I play

As an educator, I help make sure you are all of the above.

Isabelle Desjeux


Through decades of practice, experimentation, working with other artists, in schools, universities, labs, various communities and organisations, through installations in museums or public spaces, I have developed a series of topics for play and STEM exploration through Curiosity Awareness


If you are a principal, a teacher, a parent, an educator, a museum programmer, or an events programmer looking for an engaging way to bring curious minds to explore natural sciences, you have come to the right place!


Each theme can be explored in a variety of ways, depending on the objectives, the age group, the time allocated. Any project starts with an in-depth conversation. Click on the theme to view past work and get in touch to discuss how we can bring any of those to your setting

Nature Science Art

  • Facebook
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  • YouTube  |  Tel: +65 9273 4991 (Isabelle)

2 Turf Club Rd, #02-01, Singapore 287988.



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